US & EU Bond market trends and volatility

To optimize the risk and profitability of your investments in the bond markets

The inversion or non-inversion of yield curve segments and risk adjustment are essential elements of the bond market. Our analysis tools enable you to track trends in the main US and European bond markets. They help you examine changes in the yield curve, yields, volatility and future interest rate levels.



General overview
10-year world average yields weighted GDP

10Y weighted world GDP

10-year vs 2-year US and Europe bonds

10Y vs 2Y US & EU

10-year vs 3-month US, Japan, China bonds

10Y vs 3M US/JPY/CNY

10-year vs 3-month Europe, German, French bonds

10Y vs 3M EU/GER/FR

10-year vs 3-month Italy, Spain, United Kingdom bonds

10Y vs 3M ITA/SPA/UK


Yields curve UST

Yields curve UST

Long and short US rates

Long & short rates

UST general volatility

UST general volatility

Interbank - Liquidity volume
Deposits Commercial Banks US


Market Reserve Price

Reserve Price

Marginal market liquidity

Liquidity availability

Interbank - Reference rates
Liquidity rates and premium

liquidity rates & premium

US REPO Collaterales constraints & tensions

Tensions collaterales

REPO US Collaterales MBS


2-year FRN vs SOFR cash spread


3-month SOFR vs 3-month T-Bill spread

3M SOFR vs 3M T-Bill

3-month SOFR futures forward curve

3M SOFR forward curve

Section dedicated to spreads between maturities, forward curves, and yields curve of 3-month SOFR futures

T-Bill US Gov.
4-week T-Bill US yield

4w T-Bill yield

4-week T-Bill vs RRP/IORB & 3-month T-Bill US yields

4w TBill/RRP/3M TBill

3-month T-Bill US yield

3M T-Bill yield

2-year FRN US Gov.
2-year FRN US Future

2Y FRN Future

2-year FRN US yield

2Y FRN yield

2-year vs 3-month US bond yields spread

2Y vs 3M spread

5-year vs 2-year US futures and yields spread

5Y vs 2Y spread

10-year vs 2-year US futures and yields spread

10Y vs 2Y spread

5-year T-Note US Gov.
5-year T-Note Future

5Y T-Note Future

5-year US T-Note yield

5Y T-Note yield

5-year vs 2-year US bond spread

5Y vs 2Y spread

10-year vs 5-year US T-Note spread

10Y vs 5Y spread

10-year T-Note US Gov.
10-year T-Note US Future

10Y T-Note Future

10-year T-Note US yield

10Y T-Note yield

10-year vs 3-month US yields spread

10Y vs 3M spread

10-year vs 2-year US futures and yields spread

10Y vs 2Y spread

10-year vs 5-year US futures and yields spread

10Y vs 5Y spread

30-year Bond US
30-year Bond Future

30Y Bond Future (UDH25)

30-year Bond yield

30Y Bond yield

30-year vs 5-year UST spread

30Y vs 5Y spread

10-year T-Note vs World
10-year JGB vs 10-year T-Note yields and futures spreads

10Y JGB vs T-Note spreads

10-year T-Note vs 10-year Bund yields and futures spreads

10Y T-Note vs Bund spreads

10-year BTP vs 10-year T-Note futures and yields spreads

10Y BTP vs T-Note spreads


Interbank US vs EU spread

Interbank US vs EU spread



Future - 3-month Euribor vs 3-month SOFR

Future 3M Euribor vs 3M SOFR spread




European collaterals

EU collaterals

3-month EURIBOR vs ESTR


3-month ESTR & Euribor futures curves

3M €STR & EURIBOR futures curves

Section dedicated to spreads between maturities, term curves, and yields of 3-month €STR & 3-month Euribor futures

EU AAA synthetic yields curve

EU AAA synthetic yields curve

Dashboard EU AAA


10-year UE AAA synthetic yield

10Y UE synthetic yield

10-year UE vs world yields spreads

10Y UE vs world yield spreads


German yields curve

German yields curve

German Long & short rates

Long & short rates

German Long vs. short rates spreads

Long vs. short rates spreads

Historical bond volatility German

General volatility (HV)

10-year Bund German Gov.
German 10-year Bund future

10Y Bund Future

German 10-year Bund yield

10Y Bund yield

German 10-year vs. 2-year yields spread

10Y vs. 2Y spread

German 10-year vs. 3-month yields spread

10Y vs. 3M spread

10-year Bund vs. world spreads
10-year German Bund vs. Europe yields spreads

10Y Bund vs. EU yield spreads

10-year T-Note vs. Bund futures and yields spreads

10Y T-Note vs. Bund spread

10-year Bund vs. OAT futures and yields spreads

10Y Bund vs. OAT spread

10-year BTP vs. Bund futures and yields spreads

10Y BTP vs. Bund spread


French yields curve

French yields curve

French Long & short rates

Long & short rates

French Long vs. short rates spreads

Long vs. short rates spreads

Historical bond volatility French

General volatility (HV)

10-year OAT French Gov.
French 10-year OAT Future

10Y OAT Future

French 10-year OAT Yield

10Y OAT yield

French 10-year vs. 2-year French yields spread

10Y vs. 2Y spread

French 10-year vs. 3-month yields spread

10Y vs. 3M spread

10-year OAT vs. world spreads
10-year French OAT vs. Europe yields spreads

10Y OAT vs. EU yields spreads

10-year OAT vs. Bund futures and yields spreads

10Y OAT vs. Bund spread

10-year OAT vs. JGB futures and yields spreads

10Y OAT vs. JGB spread


Italy yields curve

Italian yields curve

Italy long and short rates

Long & short rates

Italy long vs. short rates spreads

Long vs. short rates spreads

Historical bond volatility Italy

General volatility (HV)

10-year BTP Italian Gov.
Italy 10-year BTP future

10Y BTP future

Italy 10-year BTP yield

10Y BTP yield

Italy 10-year vs. 2-year yields spread

10Y vs. 2Y spread

Italy 10-year vs. 3-month yields spread

10Y vs. 3M spread

10-year BTP vs. world spreads
10-year Italy BTP vs. Europe yields spreads

10Y BTP vs. EU yield spreads

10-year BTP vs. Bund futures and yields spreads

10Y BTP vs. Bund spreads

10-year BTP vs. T-Note futures and yields spreads

10Y BTP vs. T-Note spreads


10-year world Gov. yield
10-year Japan yield

10Y Japan yield

10-year China yield

10Y China yield

10-year United Kingdom yield

10Y United Kingdom yield

10-year Spain yield

10Y Spain yield